

AI Driven  & Human Generated


  Our Simple Strategy >>>> AI  Ad Placement + Custom Network Adzones = Top Tier Brand Exposure @ Best Available Budget



  We are establishing a BRAND NEW, UNIQUE type of DigitalAdvertising Network. One that builds trust between us and end user advertiser clients because we show them where their promotion is being served across the internet. We have spent over 2 decades building organic reach & continue to build exposure to the ADZONES in our network. And now; we can add the power of AI for aggressive growth thru direct injection and interface of our ADZONES into cooperative network placements. These placements consist of some of the largest app,search,social, and network performance providers that afford us the ability to serve to our clients off the respective platforms

 >>> The FRONT END consists of what we refer to as Network Adzones and are the actual locations online where the "live" exposure of the ADVERTISER ad takes place. These ADZONES are being custom generated as needs of the network arise and can be targeted to an audience of viewers for Local, Regional, National or Global exposure. ADZONES are available to be OWNED or OPERATED by individuals or organizations as INCOME OPPORTUNITIES. We handle The BACK END...You know,  ALL the tech stuff. You grow you client base and generate sales.

>>> ADZONES are defined as the real  physical URL on the web that an ADVERTISER campaign will be served thru. The ADZONE is the gateway that serves to interface between ad serving resource and the real IP based visit from a human viewer in the process of searching, browsing, or engaging an app, search or social platform, website, or utility online. These ADZONES are custom created as we grow the NETWORK and are all eligible for ownership or management opportunity for income earning.

>>> OWNED / LEASED / MANAGED ADZONE OPPORTUNITIES  currently exist or can be custom created for individuals or organizations looking for a stable income program combined with a unique twist on digital marketing . These opportunities are best served by someone driven to succeed who has a large online following, provides a complimentary service, or is familiar with B2B and B2C direct contact. Our opportunities are only limited by your potential, amount of time available, desired upfront investment (many FREE) and income results desired.

>>> OTHER OPPORTUNITIES currently are available based on network need, in select locations and may include: Affiliates, Media Buyers, Reseller Licensees, Compliance Auditors, and various levels of Project Specialists

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